I remember this show and remembered that I really liked the original tv-movie premier. One wanted to keep watching to discover several things. ONE... Just WHO was Mark Harris (the man from Atlantis)? Where did he come from? Was he from another planet? Was he the only being like himself on Earth... or in existence for that matter? We NEVER find out. There are a few aliens who visit... who happen to breathe water... plus they have the same insignia that Mark has... plus webbed fingers. BUT, some of the things they told Mark just didn't add up... and we NEVER learn who they are.. or if they have ANY connection with Mark.
THEN, the episodes started getting crazy. Like, Mark somehow goes back in time to the wild west - and meets his identical twin brother. Do we ever discover WHO this twin actually is - or his true relation to Mark? No. The show ends and never explains how Mark went back in time - or the mysterious twin brother (Billy).
Mark also travels back in time and meets the cast of Romeo and Juliet... WHICH is very odd indeed knowing that Romeo and Juliet was a play and written by Shakespeare - and not of the actual past. Maybe he went to the Twilight Zone.
One also watched to see if Elizabeth and Mark were EVER going to get together. Elizabeth's character was SO underused... then she was written out. Which pretty much made it impossible for the two to get together.
The positive things were: the first movie episode - it left one with great expectations - which unfortunately never came to fruition. Another asset was admiring Duffy's gorgeous attributes. The penetrating eyes; the coal-black thick hair, the sculpted chest, the well-shaped arms and legs, the perfect skin. It was just fun looking at his body... and it didn't matter if you were a guy or a girl... you couldn't help admire that swimmer's build.