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Lookin towntit

Out Of Town title

4th Nov 1972 - No.45[]

replacing Nothing (new feature)

to 1st Sept 1973 - No.36 >>[]

replaced by Unknown

'Out Of Town' was the programme that was hidden in that weird Sunday dinner time slot, where you wondered if anyone was really watching or really gave a toss about it, but it ran for 25 years, so somebody must have tuned in.

The programme - which was devised and introduced by Jack 'How' Hargreaves, gave an insight into the countryside, and days gone by, talking with people who remember the old ways, and some who were still happily living their lives without the use of modern technology.

It began back in 1963 and was already an established programme when it first appeared in Look-in.

The title of the show came from a tune by Max Bygraves called 'Out of town', which was the original theme. The lyrics said:

Lookin town2

Out Of Town images

Say what you will

The country is the still

The only place that I

could settle down

troubles there are so

much rarer

Out of town

The theme was replaced in the 70's with a gentler more familiar (for the Look-in generation anyway) guitar piece called 'Improvisacion, A Granada, Cantiga Arabe'

The feature was a mix of anecdotes and information, covering a few topics, but being a children's comic, animals tended to feature a lot.

Not being a big fan of the series, I had only a passing interest in the feature, but I'm sure it had it's fans too.

Full Out Of Town Feature